Friday, January 30, 2009

3 Months

Robbie weighed in today at 13 lb 14oz, only up 4oz from 1/9!! I am a bit sad about that, but he is doing a lot better at sleeping through the night, dropped a feeding, maybe why not gaining as much weight??

and no pics!!! bad mom...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Baby at Play!

Robbie, after what seems like a long long time of sleeping a lot days you are starting to love you awake and play time now! And we are quite a talkative baby! There's lots of "ah-goo"s around here now!

and you are starting to make us think that maybe your beautiful blue eyes are here to stay?(even though you dad is still really hoping for some beautiful brown eyes), but you know we love those no matter what!

and look at who's found his finger during tummy time!

oh, and he loves his musical mobile...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

2 Month check up

12 lb 6oz

you are getting to be quite a big boy, still exclusively breastfed!
kicker: you rolled over from your tummy to your back at the doctor's office for the first time. way to show off your new trick!

and sleeping baby...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

so much has happened in the past month I don't know where to start, so this will just be pretty much a summary post!

so the big trip (robbie's first) to VA to visit the gramma and grumpa Bateson for Christmas!
you are a dream to travel with at this point, here's you checking out the view out of the plane and other travelers at the airport

Robbie's been good this year so Santa brought him this:

and dad really needs to bring his shaving kit next Christmas..

New years is pretty peacefully spent at home, with Popo and Yeiyei:

and of course the sweat bird mobile kev made for robbie needs to be show cased...