Friday, February 29, 2008

Finally a Murphy!

Here I am, after being legally married for almost one year! It went unexpectedly smooth considering the wait wasn't bad at all at the social security office. It felt slightly strange to sign my new name, but I figure I can get use to it real quick. K was pretty stoked and took me to Zachary's for a little celebration.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

They All Begin the Size of a Poppy Seed

I am not sure how often I will write or how often these words will be read by anyone else if at all. After much internal debate I decide to begin this journal in honor of our very first Poppy Seed.

In our rational minds, Poppy Seed was by no means a biological/physiological baby, however it kindled our desires to be parents, to begin this particular journey as a family. I am deeply saddened with the lost, yet I also feel extremely fortunate that it happened so early in the process. Perhaps it's nature's way of parenting lesson #1, to prepare us for the up and downs of parenthood. We learn, not without struggle, to look around and find love and support in our extended family to grow stronger and without compromising hope.