Thursday, May 1, 2008

Met with the OB today!

Wow, it's been awhile since my last post. Well, today K and I met with our OB for my first prenatal appointment. Everything seems to be moving right along. We didn't get to do the ultra sound today like I'd hoped for, but next Wednesday is just around the corner! (well, at least this is how I convince myself.)

Ok, here are the highlights:
* Kev is sub a champ, he started reading the hand outs on how to prepare for pregnancy and labor right away!
* We tried to look for the heart beat with the Doppler, well we are a bit early or maybe the baby's just shy and turned away... Doc didn't seemed to be concerned. Although kev was convince that he heard it and had to resist telling the doc to go back to the spot where he heard it.
* I am + 3 lb

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