Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Attack of the hormones...

It's official, I am hormonal with a pregnant brain.

So for 2 weekends in a row I manage to head over to my neighborhood Yoga studio 1 HOUR early!! To kill some time I walked into the brand new baby store, the tulip grove in Montclair.

I was browsing along, picked a stack of mysterious cloth looking item and was completely confused about what they are, but they were cute so I went on to ask of the ladies store owners... "oh, those are burp clothes". what? in my mind I was picturing some cloth diaper looking cloth, and could not make any connection with the cute little packet I held in my hand. Sensing my confusion, the lady went on to show me a "bone/bow" shaped fancy burp cloth that you drape over your shoulder... this didn't help me connect the dots either. Finally, she asked,"are you looking for a gift?" realizing that this is first time I step foot into a baby store since I got pregnant I told her that no, actually I am expecting a baby later this year. She than proceed on to let me know that "baby's like to burp after feeding..." and all the great baby care tips. Something in me just let go, and I started sobbing uncontrollably, in front a complete stranger! Luckily the ladies there were totally supportive and friendly, and they showed me quite a bit of essentials and made me feel completely at ease by the end.

I also got to check out the infamous Bugaboo stroller, and I have to say I am almost convinced... I am just not convince about how much strolling we will be doing.

For those who may find this helpful, especially if you live in the neighborhood, the tulip grove also offer classes on breastfeeding, new born care and has a pretty good mom's group for support. Check them out, they are a good resource.

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