Saturday, July 30, 2011

New Perimeter Foundation Poured!!

Well, 85% of it for now. Good enough for me. After appox. 60 yards of dirt removed from our hill, new foundation is finally pour. Concrete as never looked so attractive to me!

New Perimeter Foundation

Progression as follows
after most of dirt is gone:
Mass excavation Mass excavation

Foundation formed and concrete being poured:
New Perimeter Foundation 007 009

Rough Framing here we come!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Back From the Wild and Scenic Middle Fork of the Salmon River in Idaho

We are back, and it was amazing!!



Matt braving Tappan Falls

Liza was a champ!

One of Kev's better catches! I even got 2!

The beautiful and rustic town of Stanley Idaho surrounded by the Sawtooth Mountains
MiddleFork 2011

Now... back to our world of Dirt, LOTS of dirt...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Recap of the Exterior Demo

Untitled from siqi murphy on Vimeo.

Got Some (14) New Piers!!

After some serious dirt removal and drilling and a LATE JUNE rain storm in the SF bay area (when was the last time this happened?)we are 14 piers richer, think the appraisers would appreciate those as much as we do??

Never underestimate the power of a portable drill rig for tight hillside construction!
New Piers

3 work days later, 8 12" diameter 8' deep deck piers and 6 18"dia 12' deep perimeter piers are ready for rebar and concrete!
New Piers

Big Pour!! (4.5 hr)
New Piers

And some new foundation for lower level too
New Piers

Guess which one is concerned about the pour?
New Piers